Wednesday, May 4, 2011

In the beginning.....

Let's talk about the greenest of all the books of the Bible, shall we?


This is where it all starts. This doesn't get any greener. It doesn't get any more au natural...if you know what I mean. Let's look at a verse shall we:

Genesis 2:15
God took the Man and set him down in the Garden of Eden to work the ground and keep it in order.

So, God's original plan for us was to work the land and keep it in order. Take care of it. Rule over it. Treat it with respect. The fruit and veggies and even the animals were ours to rule over. That was His order to us.

How are we doing with that?? Yeah, not so good are we? We certainly are having challenges taking care of the place. We certainly don't eat what He gave us. (the McRib was not taken from an animal...) I'm not talking strict vegetarian here (although that is very healthy), but I am talking natural. And Nature.

We need to make sure we are getting out in nature and taking care of it. It's Biblical. We need to also be aware of the products we buy and the charities we support. We also need to be aware of our brothers and sisters on this big blue ball that do not have even the essentials that God gave in the garden. They are struggling to get a clean glass of water. That's just ridiculous.

No one in the year 2011 should be struggling to have a glass of water. Something we waste more of than we drink, I promise you. Still, there are countries with towns that have children with no water. None to drink. None to clean them from basic diseases.

Please, there are many charities out there that help support it, but if you are in need of one and can contribute even $10, a friend of mine is raising money to build a well in Africa. She went there on a mission trip last year and plans on returning next year to see the first cup drawn from it. Check it out:

Even if you can't contribute, please take a look at this and hopefully it will tug at your heart to do something, somewhere.

We have been charged with taking care of this place. And each other.

Sometimes those things go hand in hand....